Written specifically for the Shellfish industry, Shellstock Tags Software helps commercial growers, harvesters, shippers and dealers of oysters, clams, mussels and other molluscs to print harvest and shipping tags in compliance with the US FDA National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP).
Download a 30-day Free Trial
Try Shellstock Tags Software for 30 days for free. Download and install it, and give it a try. Purchase a license to activate it forever.
Order a Lifetime License
When you order a license it never expires and you can use it on as many computers within your company as you wish. NEW: Your new or recovered license will be made available in your account to download at your convenience. (Please allow up to 5 days for order processing.)

About Shellstock Tags Software
Shellstock Tags Software sells stand-alone Shellfish Sanitation tag printing and tracking software for the Shellfish Growing, Harvesting and Wholesaling industries. Established in 2005, we continue to be the most used software for printing shellfish tags that meet Shellfish Sanitation Program

Get Support for Shellstock Tags Software
We’re a small side-gig of a small company, so we don’t offer phone support. It’s a simple software program, though, with few issues. If you have a problem, search our knowledge base for a solution below, or click the ‘Get